Making it easy to get user ideas, suggestions, feedback and thoughts in ChatGPT

Many users have ideas, suggestions, feedback and thoughts that may benefit OpenAi in continued development of products. A percentage of these users would willingly share these ideas for free if there was an easy way to communicate them. Perhaps a light bulb icon in the lower left corner with the other icons might be a way to do so. If a user has something they want to share, clicking the light bulb icon could tag the conversation as one to send to some data set available to OpenAI. Another click and they agree to release the information to OpenAI. Heck, use the software to assess the value of the ideas, prioritize them for OpenAI, sort them, blend them, or whatever, but the ideas would at least have the possibility of improving the product and you are getting free Beta testing from users. If the program came back with a “Thank you”, that would probably be enough to inspire a user to continue offering suggestions.


Hi @assimilator1961 !

There is a Feature Requests category on the forums - would that be a good avenue to submit ideas and suggestions for ChatGPT?

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It would be appropriate to create datasets in geology , geomorphology, mineralogy and other related earth science subjects from from recent projects with SQL datasets for the students completing graduation, postgraduate studies in this subjects

Sometimes I really enjoy my chat outputs and I want to go back to it but it is hard to locate it. I would love to be able to folder and organize certain chats, like work related, or at least favorite.
Also, it would be cool if i can send feedback directly from the chat