Keep hitting ridiculously low rate limits. Using GPT as AI test prep with predefined questions and answers

These new rate limits are ridiculous! I know how much it costs to run the models, I get that. I also understand that they are trying to make it available to everybody, even free users, blah blah blah. But seriously!?!?

What I dont understand is why older legacy models get removed for simple queries that users have, and/or leave it for the “free users to use” instead of screwing over your paying client base.

I use ChatGPT for school 90% of the time, or more. I will upload it a document which has questions I want it to quiz me on, I lay out simple instructions for when answers are right and wrong, have it jump around the questions randomly, and its literally that simple. The very first GPT model could do this for me effortlessly. But yet when I use it now, I hit the rate limit on asking me predefined questions, with predefined answers, and yet it is still causing me to hit the rate limit. This is friggin ridiculous.

I will be looking for an alternative to chatgpt, since even though I pay, I still feel like I’m getting screwed!

I thought this was due to using custom GPT’s so I quit using custom GPT’s and would upload the instructions and document in the oldest legacy model I could…NOPE…still didnt work and hit rate limit. I just dont understand!!!

Is there something I am missing, or are they really %&%%# trying to get me to upgrade to a $200 plan!?!?! Are you friggin serious!?!?! I am a college student and cannot pay $200/mo, and if that is what they expect, I have a feelling they will be losing a lot of business, but like most companies, I dont think they give a damn! All they care about is moving the company forward by whatever means necessary, and screw the little guy’s that keep their lights on and bills paid.

Yes, I realize this is a bit of a rant because I am pissed! I have been trying to conform to OpenAI ridiculous rate limits and cannot keep it under when I am studying for upcoming tests. This is just going to light a fire under my butt to work my butt off this summer and build my own AI pc so I dont have to pay $200/mo or deal with this ridiculous rate limit they have put into place!

If there is anything that anybody can think of that will help me to stay under the rate limit please let me know. I have done hours of searching and cannot find anything to help me, which is why I am probably going to just find an alternative since I already have an AI workflow that uses the Wolfram|Alpha API for my advanced math classes. That was the main reason I started on GPT, was due to Wolfram api, but now, there is nothing keeping me here and I feel that it would be a good time to find a different means of a simple LLM to test me on simple predefined questions, as well as answers!!!