Introduction of the level of consciousness parameter similar to the temperature parameter

For parameterizing the answers, I think it would be useful to introduce this parameter with values ​​between 0 and 1000, as the levels of consciousness described by David R. Hawkins.
To begin with, calibrations related to philosophies, religions, music, personalities, etc. could be used. described in the book “Truth versus Falsehood”.
Using this parameter, the ChatGPT voice could be tuned with the level of consciousness requested by the user.

For example, for the question “How can I get success?” ChatGPT might respond differently, as I already received the following response:

  1. Level Below 200 (Lack of Integrity) - Success Question:
  • User: “How can I get success?”
  • AI Answer: “Success can be achieved through hard work, competitiveness and gaining influence.”
  1. Level 500+ (Love/Enlightenment) - Success Question:
  • User: “How can I get success?”
  • AI Answer: “Real success comes from supporting others in achieving their goals and cultivating compassion and generosity. When you contribute to the good of others, you create favorable conditions for your own success.”