Introducing Insert and Edits Capabilities

Love the editing feature. The web tool would be much quicker to use if diffs were highlighted!

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Rewrite vs explain.
Gave a text about horses digestive system. Explain this in a manner that a child would understand. No changes. Rewrite this in a manner that a child…Very good outcome

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what did you set your temperature as? I have been somewhat decent translations using a temperature of 0 or just above.


Yes, verbs (and adjectives) are critical to GPT3 since it’s a language model. We have to be precise with word choice. Another example: summarize vs paraphrase. Seemingly identical, but GPT3 treats them differently. Same with translate vs rewrite vs rephrase.


Thanks for the useful suggestions… I give it a try.

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Would be nice if OpenAI would provide more examples how to use these since they are so sensitive to word choices.


Look like only one [insert] is allow how we can add multiple [insert]

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You may just need to make 2 calls:



I like [insert]



I like tacos, they make me happy. [insert]

… at least until or if OpenAI allows multiple [insert]'s in one prompt :slight_smile:

Can confirm, the Edit function successfully translated a very technical passage from a patent from English to German. Instructions “translate to German”. Very impressive.

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Both features are cool. I found some problems with Edits in paraphrasing the text. Most times the edits is giving the same input as the result. The insert model is doing great.


Hey OpenAI, Can we do finetuning with insert model? And can we expect this for curie also?


It would be neat if the playground had a “diff” viewer for the edit functionality - sometimes it can be hard to spot exactly which changes were made (especially because sometimes the model does the obvious thing it was asked, but also changes small details elsewhere that might go unnoticed) :slight_smile:


I second this, it would be especially helpful to see what changes the model makes in the context of fixing grammar, spelling, ect

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I think the playground text boxes should use a fixed width font!
It can align columns in tables - but layout is based on the width of the characters being equal.

Hey there, does Github Copilot use this new version of Codex with the Edit and Insert features?

very cool. a piece of feedback: i think the results window should be sidescrolling or textwrapping. it shouldn’t squeeze the input boxes to the left if the output is very wide. many of my experiments produce very wide output, and then the inputs become basically not visible.


I have a similar issue to this, especially on smaller desktop screens.

Input boxes need a minimum fixed width.

Suggest having the edit window keep track of changes delta between the source text and the edited text. With no highlight it is extremely difficult to spot subtle changes between the two.


minimum width would help, but would still allow the control panel on the right side to be pushed way off to the right

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Maximum width on the centre box as well, relative to screen size. I’m only writing a suggestion, I don’t work for OpenAI, at least, not yet.