Incorrect configuration code for micrometer springboot prometheus

I have executed a query ::
micrometer springboot prometheus code. the configuration code that it returned to me is incorrect.
chatGPT code:
public class MetricsConfiguration {

public PrometheusConfig prometheusConfig() {
    return new PrometheusConfig();

public MeterRegistry meterRegistry(PrometheusConfig prometheusConfig) {
    return new PrometheusMeterRegistry(prometheusConfig, Clock.SYSTEM);

public JvmGcMetrics jvmGcMetrics() {
    return new JvmGcMetrics();

public JvmMemoryMetrics jvmMemoryMetrics() {
    return new JvmMemoryMetrics();

public JvmThreadMetrics jvmThreadMetrics() {
    return new JvmThreadMetrics();

public ClassLoaderMetrics classLoaderMetrics() {
    return new ClassLoaderMetrics();


In this
public PrometheusConfig prometheusConfig() {
return new PrometheusConfig();

it is trying to create object of interface PrometheusConfig.

please check what issue is with chatgpt and why it is giving incorrect code. either it should give information that is legitimate or should not give, but should not give incorrect answer