I need help telling ai not to complete the users prompt [SOLVED]

I need help telling ai not to complete the users prompt.

I’ve tried <|STOP|> and ‘do not auto complete’ to no success. any suggestions.
it’s a helper bot, using completions engine.

What’s your current prompt? What are you wanting for completion?

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If that’s the end of your prompt, it’s likely going to always contain a response from a user.

What is your expected output? Are you trying to build a chatbot? If so, you can’t do it all in one-go. You need to send the prompt and ADD the user’s message to the end. Then let the API respond. Then you need to send a SECOND call to the API with the new information, including a new user response, and so on…

I think you think it can all be done in one prompt?

ETA: This seems to be a recent overview of the process that might help you out…

How to do it with Python…


Solution - for anyone who needs it.

Use stop sequences.