I can't believe it, finally a folder structure but with a huge bug

Wow, finally after such a long time there is finally a folder structure. I can’t believe it, such a basic function is finally available, I missed it a lot.

But why only half? I don’t understand, why only half??

If you create a new chat within the new project folder, you can’t choose the model, only the standard model is used. If you try to get around this, create a new chat outside with e.g. o1 and then move it to this project folder, you only get this error every time you enter anything:

Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.

The particularly bad thing is that once you move a chat with a higher model to this project folder, the chat is destroyed. So even if you take it out again, chatting is no longer possible, you only get this error message.

Can anyone confirm this?

Short answer: I do not experience exactly what you noted.

First off, I do not consider this a bug, issue, etc. It is what it is and is working as well as I would expect at this time. Remember that OpenAI has been growing at an incredible pace, and one of the main developers of this has only been with the company for 3 months. Patience is a virtue.

With regards to starting a conversation with an o1 model, moving it into a project folder, losing the option to choose a different model, moving the chat out of the folder and regaining the option to use it with o1 again, that is what I experience. However, things are in such a fast pace of change that in the next few days, that might change.

I am starting to suspect that with the 12 days of OpenAI, they have to stage these releases so that they logically build upon others when needed. There might be more to come related to this, but I am not crossing my fingers on this. Projects will definitely change how I use ChatGPT on a daily basis.