I am looking for like-minded people to create an add-on that will allow you to create analytics that can be sold

I am looking for help and like-minded people in developing a gpt add-on for assessing and creating conclusions for assessing information about gossip, when scrambling information from different sources, to make a summary conclusion on the information and its structuring. If this is learned, then there is a demand for analytics in this format and this experience can be quickly commercialized.
I am looking for like-minded people to create an add-on that will allow you to create analytics that can be sold.

The point is that you can create quick reports on summary information in various directions in the attributes of celebrities that can be test values ​​when promoting brand ideas, and in total they lead to the creation of trends in the fashion industry. And their analysis and analytics allow you to create a sought-after slice of information for its sale to young brands.

I’d be interested. I am not good at coding but I’ve been training AI for a while now

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This speaks to a lot of my research within ChatGPT. I would like to hear more. Is this just an idea you have at this time, or have you made any progress in its development?

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A bit of advice for you, I would delete that post. You’ve basically given your idea out to the public where now anyone can take your idea and do it for themselves. It’s one thing to discuss general information on your idea, it’s another thing to reveal enough someone can steal your idea.

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i do my Best))) Most likely you are right but there is a lot that has not been said yet because I have discovered a lot of interesting things but in principle Yes you are right…