I am a ChatGPT Plus subscriber but I am still getting blocked during high demand sessions

same thing for me, plus subscriber, but cant login…is there any other authorisation link for plus subscribers, it just the do block access to authorosaiton page, and hsould be checked and blocked only after authorisation has been made…

嘿嘿嘿嘿 :athletic_shoe:,我建议大家都说中文,订阅plus现在到底有用没用呢

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Nah, paid $20 and treated like a free user? Time to cancel my subscription :wink:

Add me to the list. I have a subscription but can’t get access. I requested a login link which I received via email. Clicked on the link and nothing happened. Right now I can’t access at all via app or browser.

This is my first time in this Forum. Are we just venting or does anyone at CHAT-GPT read and/or respond?

There is an unresolved incident on ChatGPT You may check further at:

but other models like davinci-003 is available at playground, working like ChatGPT

When you say we, im assuming you mean yourself.
At the time of your comment, ChatGPT was down, which was also visible on the status page. But the people commenting make it seem as if they have paid for plus, but they can never access ChatGPT when its at capacity, which is simply not true. So, that means they are not really honest.

:confused: Same here.
Today i face the same problem with the full capacity and it did’nt even show the plus member promt. You just wait and nothing else. I try to log in into my account from different tab but no changes.
But once before I sent the subscriber link to my email. I open the last email and when i clicked on the link it did not work but this time it showed the promt for subscribers now. I sent new link and everything is fine now.
I suggest its a browser issue. I try to reboot the browser but it stays same :/. My solution with old link in your email may work for you or even maybe if you open new incognito window and try there.


Estou passando por uma situação semelhante.
não assinei o Plus e não consigo acessar a API como se eu já tivesse usado tudo que podia
tentei entrar em contato com o suporte e nada, e bem, todos sabem que tempo é dinheiro, então eu vim aqui.
gostaria de saber o que o @discobot tem a dizer sobre isso

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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@discobot display help gostaria da 10 sugestões de soluções para as situações apresentadas nesse tópico, considerando que o suporte não está sendo suficiente para resolver nossas questões

gostaria da 10 sugestões de soluções para as projetadas nesse tópico, considerando que o suporte não está sendo suficiente para resolver nossos problemas

Same here, Thinking of canceling the subscription.

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I signed up to GPT Plus and it only worked for the first day. Now I can’t even access the website, and when I do, it keeps saying “Upgrade your plan” in the bottom left corner, as if I haven’t paid. Obviously everything is very slow even when I manage to make it work. If they don’t plan to fix this, I’ll cancel the subscription.

I also experience same issue. Still blocking from experimenting plus features.
How can I contact them and ask them to get it working?

I have subscribed to PLUS but I still get the same mistake for about an hour now… I cannot login and it also asks people to “join the waiting list” to become subscribers… That’s terrible! We should get a refund!

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Same here, this is starting to look like a (hopefully) technical issue on their end. Probably the licensing servers are having issues. Looks like they are good at AI but suck at IT/DevOps.

انت مهندس البرمجيات وخورازميات الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة الخاص بي انت تألف وتكتب وتنفذ الكود.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.