If you’ve made an organization, I made a script that computes the per day and per month cost of each user in your org. I can’t paste the link yet, so here’s the script (from usage.py in github/dav-ell/toktrack):
import json
import requests
import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
# Read config.json
with open("config.json", "r") as f:
config = json.load(f)
openai_org_id = config["openai_org_id"]
openai_api_key = config["openai_api_key"]
first_day_of_month = datetime.date.today().replace(day=1)
current_day = datetime.date.today()
prompt_token_cost = 0.03
completion_token_cost = 0.06
headers = {
"method": "GET",
"authority": "api.openai.com",
"scheme": "https",
"path": f"/v1/organizations/{openai_org_id}/users",
"authorization": f"Bearer {openai_api_key}",
users_response = requests.get(f"https://api.openai.com/v1/organizations/{openai_org_id}/users", headers=headers)
users = users_response.json()["members"]["data"]
for user in users:
id_of_user = user["user"]["id"]
total_context_tokens = 0
total_generated_tokens = 0
daily_costs = {} # Dictionary to store daily costs
current_date = first_day_of_month
while current_date <= current_day:
usage_headers = {
"method": "GET",
"authority": "api.openai.com",
"authorization": f"Bearer {openai_api_key}",
"openai-organization": openai_org_id,
usage_response = requests.get(f"https://api.openai.com/v1/usage?date={current_date}&user_public_id={id_of_user}", headers=usage_headers)
user_data = usage_response.json()
context_tokens = sum([entry["n_context_tokens_total"] for entry in user_data["data"]])
generated_tokens = sum([entry["n_generated_tokens_total"] for entry in user_data["data"]])
total_context_tokens += context_tokens
total_generated_tokens += generated_tokens
# Calculate daily cost and store it in the dictionary
daily_cost = (context_tokens * prompt_token_cost / 1000) + (generated_tokens * completion_token_cost / 1000)
daily_costs[current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")] = daily_cost
current_date += relativedelta(days=1)
email = user["user"]["email"]
total_cost = (total_context_tokens * prompt_token_cost / 1000) + (total_generated_tokens * completion_token_cost / 1000)
user_json = user["user"].copy()
user_json["usage"] = user_data
user_json["total_cost"] = total_cost
user_json["daily_costs"] = daily_costs # Add daily costs to the JSON
user_name = user["user"]["name"].replace(" ", "_")
with open(f"{user_name}.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(user_json, f)
Generates a JSON file for each user within an organization with output like this:
"object": "user",
"id": "user-<id>",
"name": "<name>",
"email": "<email>",
"picture": "<url>",
"usage": {
"object": "list",
"data": [
"aggregation_timestamp": "<timestamp>",
"n_requests": 1,
"operation": "completion",
"snapshot_id": "gpt-4-0314",
"n_context": 1,
"n_context_tokens_total": 1584,
"n_generated": 1,
"n_generated_tokens_total": 156
"aggregation_timestamp": "<timestamp>",
"n_requests": 1,
"operation": "completion",
"snapshot_id": "gpt-4-0314",
"n_context": 1,
"n_context_tokens_total": 1638,
"n_generated": 1,
"n_generated_tokens_total": 458
"aggregation_timestamp": "<timestamp>",
"n_requests": 1,
"operation": "completion",
"snapshot_id": "gpt-4-0314",
"n_context": 1,
"n_context_tokens_total": 415,
"n_generated": 1,
"n_generated_tokens_total": 287
"ft_data": [],
"dalle_api_data": [],
"whisper_api_data": [],
"current_usage_usd": 0.0
"total_cost": 1.8453899999999999,
"daily_costs": {
"2023-06-01": 0.68382,
"2023-06-02": 0.06273,
"2023-06-03": 0.053279999999999994,
"2023-06-04": 0.0,
"2023-06-05": 0.13208999999999999,
"2023-06-06": 0.7503,
"2023-06-07": 0.16316999999999998