How to prevent ChatGPT from answering questions that are outside the scope of the provided context in the SYSTEM role message?

Good addition I’ll probably add it in. I wish there was a way to make it stop saying “in conclusion” I’ve tried negative and I’ve tried all caps. When I did that it gave me this line “In conclusion (just kidding I won’t use that term again”. I was like… Look at this AI. It’s got jokes. It actually was very irritating. I haven’t tried Chat 4 because having so little prompts to use makes it just not something I want to try, because if it’s better and I like it. I’m limited (even though I’m paying for it). So, not useful. But there’s so many times it uses tired phrases and just keeps doing it no matter what.

Although, it also has that bad habit of hallucinating no matter what I tell it. I ask it not to add something and it’ll rephrase and add it anyway. It’s frustrating. (Makes you want to run it locally pulling from it’s own pile of things it can and can’t talk about.) :smiley:

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