I am not using API or anything, I prefer direct talking with ui based chatGPT app.
I love that ChatGPT has memory now and every time I tell it to remember something it remembers. But the issue is, it has very low memory and started saying that memory is 100 percent full. Is there a way for me to have more memory I’m ready to pay. Thanks in advance!
I am not aware of any method to increase the number of memory slots for ChatGPT.
You can try using different tools instead. For example create a custom GPT with a memory file and use code interpreter to make changes to that file.
Then you need to build your instructions when to access the memory for conversations.
I have couple of question:
1. what is the max size of file I can upload.
2. What is the number of file It can store.
3. whether custom GPT has any limitation
My use case:
I have some file where I have notes and different task I have completed I want to upload that to CUSTOM GPT and ask questions like:
Hi vb, excuse me… but do you have any links to documentation as to how to do this? Sorry, I’m new to GPT plus so still trying to figure some things out (and where to find them).
I have a whole bunch of metric data that I wanted GPT to sort and go through when answering questions, but it just doesn’t remember data even when pasted inside it’s own chat window (even tried CSV files too).
I’ve read about using a Repo in GitHub, but not sure how to implement that yet.