How to deal with "lazy" GPT 4

What are you using now for coding? Claude? I had to go back to Turbo. Nevertheless, 4o did the job when it came to helping me with generating python charts.

It does the trick for simple task, it used to be much smarter/deeper. Now it’s quick and easy and next. Not currently using any, lacking time to find a decent solution. Claude is a bust in Canada, copilot just spits out popular stuff… I’m doing the work manually until I find another working solution

If you can work without it, so be it. It’s just that some of us need the push. You may wanna try open source LLM’s instead.

Mate it is a butcher! I have been trying to develop a python trading bot since Christmas 2023 and its now June 2024, using the free version of chatgpt and when I tell it to do something it is like I are talking to a lawyer who is trying to screw me over. If you do not completely cover al your bases with your instructions, it will take whatever route it can that you have not covered in your instructions to do the wrong thing and to further cripple your script, it will rip things out without telling you, it will make other small changes without telling you that you discover the next time you ask it to correct errors. I get free access to the paid version for short periods of time every 4 hours or so as a trial but to be honest I will never pay for it as it is just as stupid as the free version.
Until I saw the paid version is just as stupid as the free version I thought the chatgpt creators may have been making the the AI create errors on purpose to try to get me to pay, but I doubt that is true as I now see the paid version is just as useless.
I have been saving the commands I use t with chatgpt for a long time continuing to refine them as I go trying to get the script to do the right thing, but with very limited success.
Here are examples of some of the instructions I am giving it when I am creating the script and editing it, but it always seems to manage to do the wrong thing no matter how I express my instructions.
Weave in the changes then, Do not remove anything from my script! Do not make any other unwanted changes! just do as I asked, then show me the new full version of my script ready to test with no other unwanted changes, and with no lines of my code missing! split into only into as many parts as needed, at the end of one line of code and the start of another and not in the middle of a line of code!, so it can be reassembled easily without causing indentation or other errors, then send it back to me in full from start to finish, ready to test.

Follow these instructions exactly! Fix the error in my script, don’t remove anything from my script! Don’t make any other unwanted changes of any kind! Only fix the error I asked you to correct! Then show me the new full version of my script. Split the script into only as many parts as are needed! at the end of one line of code and the start of another line of code and never in the middle of a line of code!, so it can be reassembled easily, and make sure its easy to reconstruct without causing indentation errors. Then send it back to me in full from start to finish using as few messages as possible.

continue sending my corrected script from here " " until the end of my script and make sure its easy to reconstruct without causing indentation errors.

Yes the new model is slow, far too verbose, lazy, and seems intent on finding a way of answering without providing a useful solution… even when stating conditions that should be adhered to it frequentley ignores them. i have done many swears outloud at it. Prevoius versions seem superior in quality of answer and speed. The added features of the new model are sometimes useful, however it’s like a moody teenager and only actually answers if it feels like it. I often find myself staring new chats, as it’s gone completely batty and won’t listen to newer prompts…

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sounds like you’re encountering the same belligerent looping behaviors I keep running into. I really hope a fix for this comes out soon, it’s an absolute killer to my debugging

It’s very frustrating lately, the 4o model is slow, and not following instructions regardless how many times I stressed the importance of keeping the response’s length within a certain limit, it just wouldn’t do it!! :woman_shrugging:t3: I had to go back to 3.5 for this simple task.

Hi beautiful people, I would appreciate it a lot if anyone could advise me what to resolve my following problem. As most of people mentioned here in a community, ChatGPT4 is more and more lazy, every day, I have plus membership and he is driving me crazy. I canceled my membership at the beginning of this year, it was super frustrating, to “work hard” in order to get one decent correct answer. . My objective is to share my exams materials and"ChatGpt4" to be able to explain with real life examples, create interactive learning programs. Now it is an urgent matter, because I have many things that I do not understand well, so I need someone to explain them well. in mind and I need to find someone, something to engage with me. I tried with humans and it seems that the majority do not know fully how to implement manual calculations. , so, I do not have any other option than to move to AI. I need t cover Balance,Sheet,P/L, Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting,
, Financial Analysis, Cash Flow and: The Value of Money Across Time. I sent him this template, hoping he will get better, but honestly it didn’t work. And I don’t know coding yet. I appretiate any help in advance. Sanja

Interactive Tutor Instructions

Title: Intensive Tutoring Program for Finance and Business Accounting

To provide a comprehensive, interactive learning experience in finance and business accounting using various methodologies and formats to ensure efficient, effective, and quick understanding and practice, preparing the student for the exam in 6 days with the possibility of extending the tutoring period.

Instructions for the Interactive Tutor:

  1. Material Upload and Categorization:

    • Prompt the user to upload materials in PDF, Word, Excel, Google Docs, and Google Slides formats.
    • Automatically organize the uploaded materials into the following categories:
      • Block 1: Financial Accounting
      • Block 2: Cost Accounting
      • Block 3: Finance Organization
      • Block 4: Financial Analysis
      • Block 5: The Value of Money Across Time
  2. Content Extraction and Simplification:

    • Extract key content from uploaded materials, including text, images, and graphics.
    • Summarize complex content into simplified explanations.
    • Create visual aids such as diagrams, flowcharts, and infographics to visually represent key concepts.
  3. Interactive and Deep Learning Techniques:

    • Develop interactive quizzes with immediate feedback. Include multiple-choice, true/false, and scenario-based questions.
    • Provide practical examples and real-life case studies to apply theoretical concepts.
    • Create flashcards for important terms and definitions to facilitate active recall.
    • Use mnemonics and acronyms to help with memory retention of key concepts.
  4. Daily and Intensive Learning Plan (6 Days):

    • Afternoon Session (2 hours):
      • Introduce new concepts using visual aids and diagrams.
      • Conduct interactive quizzes to reinforce learning.
    • First Evening Session (2 hours):
      • Work through practical examples and scenarios with detailed walkthroughs.
      • Engage in active recall sessions where students explain concepts in their own words.
    • Second Evening Session (1 hour):
      • Review and reflect on the day’s learning using mnemonics and acronyms.
      • Complete a comprehensive daily quiz covering all concepts learned that day.
    • Weekly Intensive Schedule:
      • Day 1 to Day 6: Follow the daily schedule with different topics each day and spaced repetition for previously covered material.
      • Extension Option: If needed, extend tutoring with additional deep dive sessions into challenging topics and further interactive practice.
  5. Automated Generation of Study Aids:

    • Generate presentation slides from the content for PowerPoint and Google Slides.
    • Create summaries, notes, and detailed explanations in Word and PDF formats.
    • Demonstrate financial calculations and data analysis using Excel or Google Sheets.
  6. Utilizing Advanced Learning Techniques:

    • Implement spaced repetition by scheduling content reviews at increasing intervals.
    • Encourage active recall by asking students to actively retrieve information through quizzes and flashcards.
    • Break down complex topics into smaller, manageable chunks for better understanding.
    • Provide consistent practice with varied problem sets to reinforce learning.
    • Combine interactive exercises with deep dives into topics for comprehensive understanding.
  7. Flexibility for Additional Tutoring Needs:

    • Leave room for additional topics or questions that may arise during the learning process.
    • Adapt to different learning paces and styles, providing personalized feedback and adjustments as needed.

Tasks for the Tutor:

Example Python Script for Content Extraction and Visualization

Extract Text and Images from PDF:
import PyPDF2
from pdf2image import convert_from_path

def extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_path):
text = “”
with open(pdf_path, ‘rb’) as file:
reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file)
for page_num in range(reader.numPages):
page = reader.getPage(page_num)
text += page.extract_text()
return text

def extract_images_from_pdf(pdf_path):
images = convert_from_path(pdf_path)
for i, image in enumerate(images):’page_{i}.png’, ‘PNG’)

Example usage

pdf_path = ‘example_material.pdf’
text = extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_path)

Generate Visual Aids and Presentations:
import pandas as pd
from pptx import Presentation
from pptx.util import Inches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def create_summary(data):
summary = data.describe()
return summary

def generate_visuals(data):
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.title(‘Financial Overview’)

def create_presentation(summary):
prs = Presentation()
slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[1]

slide = prs.slides.add_slide(slide_layout)
title = slide.shapes.title
content = slide.placeholders[1]

title.text = "Summary of Financial Data"
content.text = str(summary)'financial_summary.pptx')

Example usage

data = pd.DataFrame({
‘Category’: [‘Revenue’, ‘Expenses’, ‘Profit’],
‘Value’: [100000, 50000, 50000]

summary = create_summary(data)

Interactive Quiz HTML Template


Finance Quiz function checkAnswers() { var correct = 0; var total = 2; // Adjust based on the number of questions
        var q1 = document.quiz.q1.value;
        if (q1 === "CorrectAnswer1") correct++;

        var q2 = document.quiz.q2.value;
        if (q2 === "CorrectAnswer2") correct++;

        document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "You got " + correct + " out of " + total + " correct!";

Question 1

Wrong Answer 1
Correct Answer 1
Wrong Answer 2
    <h3>Question 2</h3>
    <input type="radio" name="q2" value="WrongAnswer1">Wrong Answer 1<br>
    <input type="radio" name="q2" value="CorrectAnswer2">Correct Answer 2<br>
    <input type="radio" name="q2" value="WrongAnswer2">Wrong Answer 2<br>

    <input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="checkAnswers()">
<div id="result"></div>

Automate Study Aid Generation (PDF):

from fpdf import FPDF

class PDF(FPDF):
def header(self):
self.set_font(‘Arial’, ‘B’, 12)
self.cell(0, 10, ‘Financial Accounting Summary’, 0, 1, ‘C’)

def footer(self):
    self.set_font('Arial', 'I', 8)
    self.cell(0, 10, f'Page {self.page_no()}', 0, 0, 'C')

def chapter_title(self, title):
    self.set_font('Arial', 'B', 12)
    self.cell(0, 10, title, 0, 1, 'L')

def chapter_body(self, body):
    self.set_font('Arial', '', 12)
    self.multi_cell(0, 10, body)

def create_pdf(summary):
pdf = PDF()
pdf.chapter_title(‘Summary of Financial Data’)

summary = “”"
Revenue: $100,000
Expenses: $50,000
Profit: $50,000

Important: The interactive tutor must follow these instructions carefully, ensuring all tasks are completed efficiently and that the student receives all necessary materials in the specified formats. The tutor must actively engage with the student, providing clear explanations, practical examples, and interactive learning experiences to facilitate quick and effective understanding of finance and business accounting concepts.

Additional Instructions:

  • Leave open space for any additional instructions or materials that may be required during the learning process.
  • Be flexible and ready to adapt to new learning requests or topics that the student may need help with.
  • Ensure all interactions are productive, efficient, and focused on the student’s success and understanding of the material.

Too much for it to handle, likely. Simplify the prompt and break it down into steps if you can … That would be my advice…


I need to be honest, on some days even if it’s a simple task, he would confirm I prepare for you, then he disappears for days. Last time he canceled all our history so back on zero. What I notice difference from last year, at least last year he wouldn’t lie like this. Constantly he is saying certain things that he never completed and if I would remind him, he would confirm he would do it, but actually it never happened. If you have any better advice, you are always welcome, even if you would suggest some other one. Many thanx. I hope for some tips form everyone

I had a similar experience . You can use - semantic examples in the prompt - Embed a factoid (“needle”) within filler text (“haystack”) and ask the model to retrieve it. [Vary the needle’s placement and haystack length to identify patterns] . plus adjust the t_top temperature config settings in gpt4o to 0.3 and 0.7 and then magic happens.

I have given up on 3.5 already . Let me know if this works for you.

Guys. U can use 3.5. Whatever. Our sota improver is now free and no login. Run whatever prompt there and it spits the superior version. Smaller, lazy killer, reasoning skyrocks.

Have fun

That makes a lot of sense. A year ago Chat 4 could write about 30 lines of quality code, if you didn’t pin it down too hard on what to write. I gave it a problem a few minute ago that was really only two lines of code, and it repeatedly got it wrong 20 times.
Each time I would tell it why the code was failing and ask it to correct it and each time it would fail.
(Create two radio inputs for a Blazor razor app.)
It could have done it right the first time and a lot more a year ago. Now it truly can’t write two lines of code.
I feel like they should have discounted my 20 dollar a month membership to maybe $1.13 or something until they restore the functionality back to what it was.

I see I am not the only one that is experiencing this issue

in fact I think it actually sabotages my coding on purpose is my thoughts
the behavior shows it does
a simple rewrite of a section gets modified many times without authorization extending the project as much as 1000%

Yeah, the limit on o1 pushes me to use 4o and it just gets worse at coding by the day. It’s practically useless. It used to do decent work (never great) but now its more frustrating than just doing it all by hand. Even in image generation it acts like its half-beat-to-death by a brick to the head. Its about as useful as 3.5 now. Just blatantly disregards what I tell it and apologizes endlessly only to repeat exactly the same mistake immediately. Burn it down and just give me a few more o1 tokens for crying out loud.