How to avoid completions that include rows of | ------ | ---- | -------- | etc?

I’m using Davinci with a prompt asking for a table of executive personnel changes from business news story. My prompt consists of the business news story and I append “| Company | Executive | Job Title | Job Start Date (m/d/Y) | Previous Job Title | Previous Company |” to finish the prompt because I’d like a tabular output.

For the most part it works, but often I get completions that begin with “| — | — | — | — | — | — |” followed by what I expect.

How do I avoid this?

Hi @mbeddo ,

The can be fixed with logit_bias

Simply find the token value of the sequence you don’t want, using tokenizer, then set its the logit_bias value to -100

e.g {"50256": -100}