How get fine-tune-data after fine-tuning

fine-tuned data is my information and ask my information.
my question is “what is my birthday?”
but fine-tuned model’s answer is not my information.
how can i get my information through my information fine-tuned model

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{“prompt”:“Daewon: what is my birthday? ->”, “completion”:" your birthday is on 19xx."}
that is my fine-tuned data.
and use prompt ask to fine-tuned model, “Daewon: What is my birth? ->” and “Daewon: When is my born? ->”
but model’s answer is … not my informations…

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Wow… I didn’t expected this…really… Thank you… :dotted_line_face:

Hi @daewon,

If the goal is getting factual answers about yourself, then perhaps the best approach is to use the answers endpoint with curie or ada. You can upload a JSONL file with your data, and pass it to create answer.

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prepare JSONL file have endpoint “\n”
i hope that to use with davinci for myself custom chatbot… :pleading_face:

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Im also having this kind of issue. Here’s my post.
Can somebody enlighten me on this?