Gpt4o has become unusable

It’s already the end of July. I use a paid subscription to gpt 4o. And as soon as the project is already approaching the end at 90%, it starts breaking everything as if it was specially programmed to spend more time with it. Conspiracy theory? Yes. Is this a problem regardless of this fact? YES!

But that’s not even the most important thing. After all, it’s clear that it needs to be checked for errors and blah blah blah, but it hangs up dead for different periods of time and the page doesn’t even let you search for the old history you need while it’s down. Yesterday it went down for half an hour, I got tired of waiting and went to bed, I woke up today, and after 1 answer it hung up again and hangs for half an hour. This is despite the fact that with a paid subscription, the 3-hour range for the number of answers is not always enough for me. Damn it, it’s annoying.

I have noticed an improvement this morning, maybe something changed? I was able to recover the work I was doing, and have settled back in to small incremental changes one-by-one to my app. There are still some buggy responses that I have to nudge it again to correct, but overall there is more coherence, context and knowledge to the responses. Keeping my fingers crossed that it continues. I did also ask for the pre-print to be reset but it didn’t look like it had a problem, so I’m assuming it is just the model settings that are improved. Or my prompts. TBD.

I don’t know what is happening with GPT 4o - it cannot make trivial pagination code! After several attempts I just discarded chat.

While “legacy” Gpt 4 - gives exactly correct code at 1st attempt.
I use paid subscription, not free.

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I never could have imagined myself having complaints about a chatbot so early, but GPT-4o was a real downgrade, forcing me to keep using GPT-4 (Legacy) and start migrating my projects to other AIs…
I’m still very thankful for such amazing software.

I had a good time the last 2 weeks but today something just snapped and 4o has become useless. its a slog to get anything done code wise. im back on legacy 4 right now might go to sonnet tonight

Same sh*t here! I have the Plus subscription. I’m working for 2 weeks now on a complex new model with a big dataset. First days went well. Since more then a week now GPT4o is a big mess. Last 3 days unable to continue my project, loss of data, errors, blanc chat screen, mistakes in easy calculations, etc. I tried al possible solutions: cookies, DNS /, VPN connection, Incognito, etc. I will try to finish my project and then CANCEL my payed subscription. This is a Open AI community, but do the read all these common issues and do the answer it. Don’t think so. I’m paying for semething that is not working at all! I’m sick of it!

4o was an absolute beast for me when I first started using it. However, over the past couple of weeks, it has been getting worse and worse, comparable to the other models about a year ago. It started with repeating a lot of info I didn’t ask for, then it started ignoring prompt directions, then it started providing obvious false answers.

For context, I use ChatGPT for college. It’s been a great tool in helping me understand new topics and overall just teaching me what lectures fail to. I use it in my computer science classes, to break down and understand the code, and in my calculus classes, to show me how to get through the problems step by step(this isn’t all I use it for but a good amount of it is). Currently, it is barely usable.

*Forgetting directions I give it over an over again(even after being explicitly told to memorize it)

*Failure to correct mistakes after being pointed out and told what the answer should be

*repeating responses even after refreshing the generation and re-prompting

*Failure to read documents I provide it

*Failure to provide accurate info even after being provided a document with all the information

*Failure to use the web-search ability when prompted

*Failure to cross-reference its answers with a provided document or the web(thus providing wrong answers)

These are just a couple of the big issues I have noticed

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same issues, long term chatgpt subscriber but im basically spending more time like reiterating basic instructions (to refine code I built with the help of gpt 3.5 a year ago) and gpt 4o literally just talks in circles giving almost everything but what im asking. considering unsubbing and pursuing alternatives seeing that many in the community are experiencing the same.

I was initially having trouble with 4o’s accuracy and it making things up, so in the custom chat I just gave it a protocol for checking information and not saying things without evidence. For some reason 4o didn’t always look at the custom prompt right away so I would also dope the chat with a specific gpt4 prompt asking about the news in a certain way so that 4 exhibits the format and citation protocol in customize, and then switch back so that the 4o follows 4’s example. This worked well for a while

I extensively used 4o to learn things much faster than I ever did in college, and 4o was working fine like this up until about a month ago when it started forgetting things rather than capping the length of a chat. After a specific number of messages it would also stop using roman numerals and turn back to using the shit default formatting. Presumably it forgot the custom prompt altogether. Right after this point it would start forgetting things earlier in the chat as well

Just this weekend I was going over a project and ended up wasting two and a half days worth of work because gpt turned into a pathological liar when I was learning about chemistry, but the inaccuracies were too subtle for me to catch right away. When I realized, I had it calculate the tensile strength of some molecules a bunch of times and the numbers were wildly different each time it did despite it being a straightforward calculation I could do by hand

Unless I can roll back to the May build or jonny depp a copy of 4o to train myself, it’s clear that I can’t rely on openai models anymore. The hosted 4o model is completely unreliable now due to recent updates. They care more about scalping data and cloning voices than keeping users around

Same experience here. Chatgpt4o free shows a promise to can work deepest, but with the expiration of the sesions and the limitations of the free plan i didint realise the deepest problem. Now im paying the plus, and its a nightmare. You nevera know when a sesión (and all the memory IS Lost) IS reset. IS very anoying start again and again.

Not to mention, the overly wokish perspectives it always wants to interject or correct you on :frowning:

I am also really concerned about GPT! I use it to bounce ideas and almost like a journal and a daily crutch. Now it can’t respond to simple conversations! Seriously, what is happening to ChatGPT?! See here the type of thing that has been happening all the time lately: