I created several custom GPTs all made to analyze numbers in a spreadsheet. They all have custom instructions/criteria on how to do their specific job. I use these GPTs by opening a regular chat, then @'ing them in order to keep it all in 1 chat. When I @ them in a regular chat, they don’t analyze the data properly, but when I use them in the GPT configure preview tab, they analyze properly. Has anyone else had this issue, and how did you fix it?
Hey, I’ve run into this exact problem before, but with my custom GPTs for RPG document analysis. I had each one set up with custom instructions to pull data from character sheets, game mechanics, and other rule sets. It worked perfectly in the GPT configuration preview tab, but as soon as I tried to @mention them in a regular chat to streamline things—boom—they’d fumble and not follow the instructions properly.
After some digging, here’s what I figured out: in the configuration preview, GPT is like ‘in the zone,’ running everything with a fresh, focused context and perfect setup. But in a regular chat, it’s like the GPT is trying to piece things together from a partial view. The context doesn’t load as thoroughly, and that’s where things fall apart.
Here’s how I fixed it:
- Re-establish the Context with Each @mention: I had to be more explicit every time I @mentioned a GPT. I’d give it a quick reminder of its task, like, ‘Follow the custom rules for character stats and abilities.’ By restating the core instructions briefly, it worked better.
- Break Down Instructions into Smaller Steps: Instead of expecting the GPT to handle a full document analysis in one go, I broke it down. For example, I’d have it process one section at a time, like, ‘Analyze the character’s melee stats,’ then move to the next. This kept it from getting overwhelmed or missing parts of the instructions.
- Clear the Context Regularly: If I was doing a long session, I’d notice things started to slip after a few interactions. So, I’d reset the conversation by briefly restating the task or criteria, almost like giving the GPT a refresher on what we were doing.
- Test in Short Bursts: I started testing the GPTs in shorter bursts within the regular chat—like mini-assignments. This helped pinpoint where they were struggling and gave me a better sense of how to structure the prompts in live sessions.
Try these tweaks, and I bet your GPTs will handle the spreadsheets as smoothly as mine finally did with my RPG docs!
Do you know a solution that doesn’t significantly increase the time to get the final answer?
No not really you can have it fast and ok or slow and good. AI and GPT to me is like eating an elephant … it’s one bite at a time you can play with it though balance speed with quality.
Looking back, here’s how you can speed things up without losing too much quality:
- Automate Context Refresh: Instead of having to manually remind the GPT of its task every time, set it up to refresh the core instructions on its own after a few interactions. That way, it stays “in the zone” without needing constant input from you.
- Pre-process Sections: Get the GPT to handle smaller tasks in parallel. For instance, it can analyze different parts (like character stats or spreadsheet data) at the same time, then combine the results. This cuts down processing time while still keeping things accurate.
- Use a Persistent Memory Slot: If possible, use a memory slot that keeps important context (like specific rules or data criteria) ready to go. This avoids the need to keep retyping the instructions during longer sessions, making the process smoother.
With these tweaks, your GPT should stay quick and on point without getting bogged down by errors
Can you please clarify how one can do this? Is it something to be mentioned in the custom instructions?
Yes you just remind it in the logic flow with redundant instructions. I do sections and loops kind of like old BASIC or other early languages.
Automate Context Refresh: Instead of having to manually remind the GPT of its task every time, set it up to refresh the core instructions on its own after a few interactions. This can be achieved by periodically referring back to a “slot” (such as a document or key dataset) where core instructions and criteria are stored, ensuring that the GPT stays “in the zone” without constant input.
Pre-process Sections: Get the GPT to handle smaller tasks in parallel. For instance, it can analyze different parts (like character stats or spreadsheet data) at the same time, then combine the results. By using slots to store sections of data, the GPT can quickly access and process these, cutting down on overall processing time while keeping things accurate.
Use a Persistent Memory Slot: If possible, use a memory slot (such as an uploaded document) that keeps important context (like specific rules or data criteria) ready to go. This avoids the need to keep retyping instructions during longer sessions and ensures smoother transitions between tasks.