GPT decided to correct "RAMKA" to "RAMKĄ," and things went wrong

As I understand, during the initial text processing, GPT corrects errors, typos, etc. Unfortunately, it overcorrected. It decided to change the word “RAMKA” to “RAMKĄ” (even though it doesn’t follow from the context). It seems like a small thing, but due to an unfortunate coincidence, something different was produced than what the client ordered. How can one protect against such situations? “RAMKA” in English means “spacer,” but it is part of a product symbol, so this correction led to a change in the ordered product.

In any case you should always be confirming the order with the client and not trusting GPT to submit it.

You could try and add some instructions to cover this edge case. But, I would worry that there’s a lot of edge cases that will slowly be uncovered over time.

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