GPT-4o Not Working, Reload Challenge Error

As of now workaround is to logout and use gpt 3.5. This allows you to bypass the reCAPTCHA challenge.

started working here… Thanks…

How ?
Not working on my desktop

It’s working now for me. thanks

Same here, Help me…
please, check it please~

Started working on mine now, what a weird error

Yeah… this is the case most likely. Ironically whole world is asking them solutions for their problem :person_facepalming:

It works well with gpt app but not for the browser

Something went wrong. Please reload the challenge to try again.

Start work on me.
Start work on me.

Exact same issue here about half an hour ago

thanks for letting me know

Issue seems fixed now , It started responding to the queries.

Same here! What is happening with OpenAI!

Open ChatGPT in Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
Then, open the settings by clicking on the three dots at the top right.
Find the “Install this site as an app” button.
By doing this, Windows users can install and use ChatGPT as an app, which can resolve the issue you’re currently experiencing.
I used this method to solve the problem.

크롬 혹은 마이크로 소프트 엣지에서 챗 지피티를 키세요.
그리고 상단 우측의 점 세개로 된 설정을 열어라.
이 사이트를 앱으로 설치 버튼을 찾아라.
이렇게 윈도우 사용자들은 챗 지피티를 앱으로 설치하여 사용하면, 지금 겪고 있는 오류가 해결된다.

나는 이 방법을 사용해 해결하였다.

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