Getting Started with the OpenAI API and Node.js/JavaScript

Simple Search

Here is a super simple example of how to call the search endpoint usng Node.js/JavaScript. For details about the search endpoint see the OpenAI Docs.

NOTE: This tutorial is part of a series. If you have not read the getting started post you should check that one out first.


  1. log in to
  2. Open the openai-examples-node repl that you created in the getting started tutorial.
  3. Create a new file named simple-search.js
  4. Copy the following code into the simple-search.js file.
const axios = require('axios');
const apiKey = process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;
const client = axios.create({
  headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey }

const params = {
  "documents": ["plane", "boat", "spaceship", "car"],
  "query": "A vehicle with wheels"
}'', params)
  .then(result => {
  }).catch(err => {

  1. Update the .replit file with the following
language = "nodejs"
run = "node simple-search.js"
  1. Review the results in the console pane. You should see a result similar to the following example.
  object: 'list',
  data: [
    { object: 'search_result', document: 0, score: 57.427 },
    { object: 'search_result', document: 1, score: 46.697 },
    { object: 'search_result', document: 2, score: 93.986 },
    { object: 'search_result', document: 3, score: 179.054 }
  model: 'davinci:2020-05-03'

The params object contains an array of documents and a query string. The search endpoint ranks the documents by how semantically similar they are to the query. The results contain an array of objects with a reference to each document (0 = the first document - plane in our example) and a score. The highest score for our example is document 3 (car) which makes sense because the query was A vehicle with wheels.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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