Hello. I’ve been generating some code from ChatGPT as a sort of help to a particular task and yesterday, I discovered a bug. If you try to generate more code while in the “helping ChatGPT improve” with the two prompts tab when not clicking anything, it breaks the entire chat permanently and you cannot access it at all. You can export your data to see the chat is fine and doesn’t seem to be affected in the data yet if you try to enter the chat it will pop up with an error message that I have provided. I’m not sure why this happens and breaks the chat indefinitely and I have tried multiple things like archiving and renaming but it does not work. Support ignores me and nobody else seems to be reporting on this issue.
TL;DR: I was generating code, got the “help ChatGPT improve” prompt that gave two options, code got cut off, clicked the generate more button to see what was best and it completely broke the chat.