Frequent API timeout errors recently

what is most annoying to me is:
I try to set a timeout at openai.ChatCompletion.create(..., timeout=10) hoping that that after 10seconds, if it is still “hunging”, please stop.

I am using @retry(wait = wait_random_exponential(min =1, max = 60), stop = stop_after_attempt(6)) def chatcompletion_with_backoff(**kwargs): to hope to handle this.

HOWEVER, there are no “timeout”. I have been monitoring the process. There are mulititimes that the the request being going on >minutes, and yet no Timeout is thrown out.

See this for the similar complaints…

I mean, basic coding principle, things should “do what they say, say what they do”… it’s clearly not the case here.

any guidance pls? Just keep “trying” and wait for things to clear, unfortunately is not an option

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