Fine-tuned model - Customer informations

Hi everyone,

EDIT: I’m looking to do the following (example I did in the playground with text-davinci-003)

I assumed in red is embedding from what I read in the different forum post.

How can I proceed to do this on a fine-tuned model ?

And for updating, I was thinking to inform my model through an API by passing a new line, seems like it work fine.

Thank you.

Welcome to the forums.

This thread on fine-tuning might help…

Hi @PaulBellow ,

Yes I’ve come across that post ! It’s super interesting.

Basically, Fine tuning is for structure and embedding is for knowledge.

My problem is that I think I need both.

  1. I need to inform with specific data. Ex: The company ABC Construction is located at 3900 green street with the postal code 80500.

  2. Then, I need to be able to do a prompt that returns a structured response, such as:

Example: Find the customer ABC Construction
Output: {“customer_name”:“ABC Construction”,“address”:“3900 green street”,“postal_code”:“80500”}

For doing the step 2, I can use a base model Davinci and do fine tuning.

What about the step 1 ? I’ve been looking the whole day and I am not sure how I can get both working together ?

Thank you.

Here is an example in the Playground that work well with text-davinci-003. I assume in red was embedding. How can I reproduce this?

And for updating, I was thinking to inform my model through an API by passing a new line, seems like it work fine.