Feature Request: URL Link Storage for Projects in ChatGPT

I have a feature request for the ChatGPT Projects tool. Currently, users can upload files and customize GPT instructions to organize work within projects. However, it would be incredibly helpful to also have a dedicated space for storing and managing frequently used URL links.

These links could:

  1. Allow GPT to reference live or updated data from the web for more current, real-time information.
  2. Help users keep critical URLs organized within their project context (e.g., live calendars, spreadsheets, or news feeds).

For example, when working on personal or professional projects, URLs for Google Calendar embeds, financial trackers, or live documents could be added alongside files to improve organization and continuity

Does anyone else see value in this feature? Open to thoughts or suggestions for refining this idea further!


This would be really helpful!

In fact, I asked GPT if this was a feature and it sent me the link to this community feature request. Commenting here just to let anybody know that I second this request.

Thanks for the post, @calebminson

This would be incredibly useful it is the first thing I missed when I upgraded to the pro. It keeps me going back to NotebookLM…