I propose the introduction of a feature that allows users to “Favorite” or “Pin” certain conversations to the top of their chat list. This would provide easy and quick access to important or frequently referred to conversations. Additionally, I suggest that these pinned or favorited conversations optionally remain preserved even when a user chooses to clear all chats. This would provide a layer of convenience, as users won’t have to sift through a plethora of conversations to find the ones they need, and also a layer of assurance that important conversations won’t be accidentally deleted.
October 29, 2023, 8:51pm
I propose a forum feature where similar topics pop up in the editor when someone is typing.
Oh, they already have that!
Hello everyone,
I would like to suggest a feature that I believe would be incredibly useful for users of the OpenAI platform. Specifically, I would like to see the ability to pin important conversations within the chat interface.
As many of us use OpenAI for a variety of tasks and conversations, it can be difficult to keep track of all ongoing discussions. Often, we find ourselves searching through old messages to find a conversation that we need to revisit, which can be frustrating and time-c…
i have decided to start learning something using ChatGPT
i will be checking-in every day at 8PM and will complete one lesson that ChatGPT gives me
i might create other chats throughout the day and my learning-path chat would get burried down, so I would really appreciate if there could be a “Pin Chat” feature so that a chat that we might use very regularly would be at the top
it might sound very specific, but i’m sure a lot of people would find good uses for it
Can you add an option to pin conversation? So when I clear out my conversation, it won’t clear the “Pinned conversation.”
Recently, I got an idea that would be very helpful: The ability to pin chats!
When a chat is pinned, you can’t delete it until you unpin it, and it won’t be cleared if you choose to clear all. It would be very helpful for important topics or so.
I propose a new feature for the ChatGPT platform where users can bookmark or favorite a specific set of dialogues.
This will ensure that the selected conversations remain pinned at the top of the session list, preventing them from being pushed down by newer interactions. This functionality would enhance the user experience,
especially for those who want to revisit particular exchanges without scrolling through extensive conversation histories.
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Folders would be awesome to organize all chats
Pinning chats in the sidebar is possible with browser extension. Try Pinnable ChatGPT , we will never know when OpenAI would add this
Absolutely. This feature is crucial. I miss this feature. Google Gimini already has this feature and it’s awesome. but I prefer using ChatGPT.
+1 on this. General conversation management feature would be even better. But a Pin feature would accommodate about 80% of what I need.