Failed to start voice mode in laptop

I reside in Norway, and suddenly my advanced voice feature stopped working on my laptop, but it still works on my iPhone.

By the way, my microphone works perfectly with NotebookLM, Facebook, and I have already enabled the microphone option for ChatGPT.

Any other reasons why it might not be working on my laptop or PC?


Same problem, hope the devs are working on it…

Same problem here. I’m in America. Advanced voice chat works in phone but not in browser. Not only this but I can’t even change the voice I use in custom GPTs anymore.

Same problem. Im in Azerbaijan, Plus subscription

I had the same issue about 10 hours ago. I thought that my device wasn’t work properly, so I tried all the troubleshooting I could. Then I saw your post and realized that I’m not alone. Seems like this is a common issue from OpenAI, not us.

Same here in the USA. Works on my Android phone with the app though.

Yes man i am from Delhi in India ,i am also getting this issue in my desktop when i try voice chat it says “fail to start voice mode” in ChatGpt app and website .
I tried all the solution and even format my pc for 2 times but the problem not solve ,
i think its a server issue or is it my PC playing with me ,
oh god i don’t know what to do its a fantastic feature in Chatgpt and i loved the feature so much i am missing it Today .
Openai DO Something and resolve that problem please

i think the problem is from backend so guys lets wait for some days may be the openai
team may resolve it quickly . wail till then

The status page has been updated.
The team is already working on a fix.