This has been on the table for many months now. It’s really annoying having to manually download the invoice. Please do it!
+1, now it’s very inconvenient.
May be we have to wait for the AGI to solve this issue ! But in all seriousness, this “feature” or seeminly “checkbox in stripe config” will be a very nice QOL for the paying customers.
+1 to get this basic feature
+1 would be super helpful!
Pretty sure this is a simple configuration option in Stripe and would be super helpful.
+1 very basic and essential feature. Why force us to waste our time on this?
+1 totally agree on this, make it a switch just like Cloudflare:
Receive invoice attachments
+1, totally agree. I have to log in and download a receipt manually each month, which is a huge pain.
+1. This is a simple toggle inside stripe that OpenAI can turn on in literally 4 seconds. I find it absolutely absurd that they would leave this off in the first place. It’s frankly feeling like a prank that we have to upvote this 187 times without any reply of any sense of OpenAI giving a hoot.
+1 from the tech front here - we can do stuff a lot better than searching for invoices but alas! Please OpenAI press the stripe button. Or create a bot for that
I’ve tried using a Zapier zap to tackle the problem but can’t find billing/invoicing stuff in the “openai” app. Bummer.
+1. Need this, an additional email field for accountant.
Unfortunately “The Stripe API doesn’t currently support adding recipients to Billing emails.”
Hurry up and implement this. Ridiculous
+1. Very surprised, this is such a basic use case!
I am very surprised, that there is no such functionality after such a long time. Considering to change to another service.
Another plus 1 here. Just remembered 1.5 years of invoices that I happened to see on my credit card… Thank you.
+1 ridiculous it has not been added yet. Manual work every month logging into the portal
+1 I desperately need this feature. Such a time waste right now.
+1 Anthropic Claude is totally beating Open AI, cause they have this feature, guys, please, I don’t want to bother my teammates to forward me the invoice every month!