Dalle image generation progression

Is it possible to calculate the progress of a dalle generated image for use with a loading bar? I can see that chatGPT returns a small circle loader while the image is being generated, however, I can’t see how to reproduce this in the docs?

NodeJS code I’m using…

  public generateImage(
    description: string,
    userUID: string,
  ): Observable<string> {
    return new Observable((subscriber) => {
          model: this._models.image,
          prompt: this.getImagePrompt(description),
          size: '1024x1024',
          style: 'vivid',
          user: userUID,
        .then((result) => {
          // Notify subscribers of the result
        .catch((error: OpenAIError) => {

The image API returns no information until you get a response.

You will notice in ChatGPT that the progress indicator is pessimistic, and makes its way about 40% before an image is produced. It is just an animation, a script updates an SVG, and an animated GIF to just indicate thinking activity could stand in.

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