Custom GPT - Reoccurring error message

When users ask my custom GPT, they are all receiving the attached error message. They also receive a more standard message which says “Not found.”. I’m not sure why, as it has been working fine up to now.

Can anyone please help? Please bear in mind that I am not a coder or anything like that.

Hi @jclancey :wave:
Welcome :people_hugging: to the communty!

If you custom GPT is public, can you share its link?

Thank you! For some reason i’m not able to include links in my posts, but the GPT is called “Finance with JC”

You can use a single backtick (`) before and after link:

In search I cannot see:



Just in case you missed this! Thanks again - hugely appreciated.

It works on my end

Can you scroll to the bottom and see if an error message occurs? That is what is happening to others. @polepole

It was full screen and there is no any error, also this, no error:

How weird…i’m stumped then!

Maybe, some user use VPN, public unsecure WI-FI… :man_shrugging:

@polepole i’ve just tried asking it a question - not using a VPN / wifi is perfectly fine and secure.

Can you write here what question you asked to ChatGPT?

@jclancey my guess:
This probably related to OpenAI Policy "financial advice**:


Also, consider your knowledge files if they have any content against to policy.

You may try this:

  • Remove all files from your custom GPT
  • Then start conversation using same questions that provides error previously.