Hi everyone I use to and when I edit message, normally it’s only gonna reset the conversation below it mean the existing one before the edited message suppose to still be there, but for me it’s bug and my entire conversation is gone including the message before the edited one what tf is going on. The info were important too.
I didn’t had this problem yet, I only had problem to copy an edited message. I could not copy an edited messages and that was annoying (Sometimes I return to some messages because conversation go partially in a wrong direction and i want to help to point something to get back on the right track but is not possible because i cant use quotes on your my messages to point him → look back and let’s go in this direction)
And another huge problem is when you have to many messages in a thread and gpt start to generate over and over again unfinished messages (like is to much for him to handle). If could be an automatic system to help him clean unnecessary information so we can avoid this kind of dead loop)