I’ve been using ChatGPT page since a long time ago for studying and it’s very useful, I believe most of people who study do a similar flow of:
- Asking a question about a topic
- Reading the screen
- Copying some blocks of text from ChatGPT screen into another screen and summarizing what is of their interest to remember
- Preparing another question based on their personal notes and summary
So, for a more complex research, we see that there’s a gap between what ChatGPT knows about the user to focus it’s responses and also there’s a manual step for the user to be copying and pasting.
I made some use and recognize the usefulness of the “canvas” tool and the automatic memories that ChatGPT seems to randomly records (and keep for itself behind the curtains). But, I still believe there’s a big space to improve in between, the high level idea I have in my mind is:
- ChatGPT page allows user to click or select blocks of texts from the responses
- These block of texts become temporary (with scope of that chat only) small memories visible on the screen corner or any other well defined place
- These blocks are user selected, based on it’s preferences and can be edited, sorted or removed through simple and fast mouse interactions, instead of having to manage the too much open canvas.
- ChatGPT answers will consider these memories based on its sorting, content and priority on the user answers, it would be a funnel between user focuses, thought and ChatGPT.
The gains that I see would be:
- The memories for a limited topic would be prioritized and guided by the user decision.
- The memories are visible and no longer hidden or little understanded by the user.
- User has a space where it summarize its thought and research.
- User has a better experience selecting, removing and playing with the items in an easier way rather than typing on canvas or waiting ChatGPT to edit the canvas.
- ChatGPT has a more uniform, prioritized list of items of thought focus, similar with the capabilities it already has, but more integrated with the user.