ChatGPT Pro lobotomized after incorrect flagging of my PHP debugging logs (SCREENSHOT)

I got Pro the day it landed and it was brilliant. I use it exclusively for web coding.

Two days after launch of Pro, I seen this message pop up during having ChatGPT Pro look at some of my debug logs to help track down a coding bug…

‘Your request was flagged as potentially violating our usage policy. Please try again with a different prompt.’

At that precise moment, and ever since, ChatGPT Pro became more like ChatGPT 4. It became lobotomized for me, failing to follow simple instructions, doing the bare-minimum, using placeholders when giving code (regardless of how many times it was given specific instructions not to), having inferior ‘memory’, and performing so much poorer than o1-preview ever did.

I got in touch with support, got a canned response, I sent screenshots of my prompt, even gave permission to look at my chat to see it was debug logs of my own PHP code and that this hobbling of my ChatGPT Pro account is unjust. They never respond back. I cannot speak to anyone at ChatGPT.

Is this the end of the road for my Pro account? Does it mean it will never self-correct? I don’t know what to do, support doesn’t read or reply to my messages, screenshot evidence.

This is a screenshot of the moment Pro died a few days ago. RIP

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