ChatGPT Keeps asking me to verify I'm human after every prompt

how disappointing. this just repeats endlessly

Honestly with so many people experiencing it at the same time everytime it must be some sort of way to manage high serverload or something

same here!!!



My guess is someone has done this to reduce costs and we pay the same but get less.

I just started experiencing these issues today too.
Connecting to a VPN & log out and back in seemed to resolve it for me

Using a Paid account.

I’ve noticed that this issue is encountered on the paid account, whereas everything works perfectly fine on the free account.

Now even happens for “continue generating”. So i have to do the captche multiple times for a prompt

Same here; I only started asking today, I have No VPN and am on a Plus account.

Service down it seems, grabbed this from another forum

also to me! It’s really annoying. I’m using chatGPT 4o !!! Solve this problem !!! I think I’ll cancel my account!!!

Yeah. Unsubscribed. I was really annoyed by all the errors and slowdowns every second question and now this. Unusable.

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huge donations from billionaires, they still manage to turn it into trash using astonishingly moronic ui/interface choices. 2024 in a nutshell lmao

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I have it worse since in my case the challenge won’t even load and I keep getting the following error:

Something went wrong. Please reload the challenge to try again.

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Same for me. Been a subscriber from the beginning, not a days issue and now a verification prompt for every request. Its beyond ridiculous.


same. it seems someone saw error 503 in the status code from another forum. Posted image above.

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Please fix this. Like everyone plus user, with captcha after every prompt. This is unworkable. Will cancel if this doesnt stop.


Please fix this!!! Like everyone plus user, with captcha after every prompt. This is unworkable. Will cancel if this doesnt stop.


Paying customer. This is debilitating - please fix this.

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This is extremely annoying. Please fix asap.

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Fix that omg its soooo annoying

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