It was working fine, but for some reason since this month it’s been acting really weird.
sometimes I open it and it would work, but in some instances it would just be blank with only the message box and the side bar when I open it is also blank. In another instance I try to delete the chat from side bar, however it won’t work and if I refresh it would become blank like previously stated and lastly there are times when I return to previous chat it would give me an error with the blank screen. I tried Firefox to see if it’s from the fork, but same problem, then I tried it on chrome and it worked totally fine.
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Hey, I’ve also been experiencing an issue with ChatGPT since this morning. The error, as shown in the attached image, keeps appearing despite my attempts to refresh the page, use different browsers, and clear the caches. However, it works just fine when I use the mobile app. Can anyone help?
im experiencing similar issues for 4 weeks
sometimes im clicking on teatarea and i cannot write just like text-area is not there… the whole page is acting weird.