ChatGPT: Bug introduced in response selector of regenerations and edits; edit button goes missing

yeah edit button is not working for me either. now the last msg has edit button but old prompts doesnt. we need this function badly.

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I hope I don’t lose the other responses too, they were good, it will be a real pain if I lose them :face_exhaling: this bug is really annoying


same issue here. I opened my older chats and the same bug affected them. I cannot edit previous messages and have the whole 0/x issue with often only two viable branches.

ALSO when I make say, three generations and go back it resets to 0/3 and only flicks between the first gen and the second gen. the third one is lost


I also have the same problems as all of you. I can’t do nothing so I can’t modifie/edit anything (mostly the first prompt in a new chat) and I have 0/x when I use GPT-4o mini and GPT-o3-mini but works fine when I use GPT-4o (I don’t have the 0/x thing but the rest don’t work). This is so sad and annoying for me cause I create fanfictions with it and now I can’t do anything in fear something bad happen. Some of my old chats don’t have the 0/x problems while others have it.

It came back to normal for me like 3 hours ago and I closed the website on my phone. I got back on it 2 hours later and it’s not working anymore.


same issue here can’t edit in new chats and have 0/x , have I been banned from editing

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My edit button has also disappeared within my Custom GPT that I’ve been writing & editing with over the last several days, even early this morning EST. Now the edit button is gone in the Custom, but still shows in the main 4o.

It doesn’t work properly even in 4o.

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No, there’s dozens of other people with the same problems.

It has to do with the message counter (probably), that’s PROBABLY why the edit button isn’t appearing. Hopefully it’s fixed soon.

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Hopefully this is resolved soon. I was able to work around it for a bit by generating another response, then the edit button would reappear when it said < 1/# >, but now that’s no longer working.

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The same thing happened to me yesterday, because of this error I lost 90% of what I wrote. Now I have a zero post with 6 posts, of which only 2 open, and one post generated by mistake gpt mini. Horrible. I lost not 2-3 last posts, I went further thinking to fix the problems and scrolled to the top of the page and ruined everything.

Please give people their stories back! :sad_but_relieved_face:


(post deleted by author)

Any updates on the issue?

Nope. Everything is still broken, but the bug got reported internally. No news from them. It’s frustrating, but I’m optimistic that the bug will be fixed soon.


I hope so man. I had an important chat thread leading on from the 2/2 reply that ChatGPT gave but I cannot access it anymore since it shows 0/2.


Everytime they update there are always bugs. They should test these ui updates before they are even added to the public website


Duh, it’s been like a few days.
I mean, last time, Chatgpt would not show regenerate for threads.

I feel like it’s time we boycott ChatGPT till they fix themselves, honestly.

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can this please be fixed. im sorry the frontend team at openai really sucks

It’s been almost TWO days, no, it HAS been 2 days, and they still have not rolled out a fix. I’m starting to get frustrated.
But again, I’m trying to be optimistic.

I’m just glad I archived my stuff when I realized there was a bug. Don’t want to take any chances there.