Basically I was just normally asking for academic help when ChatGPT after replying to my question and suddenly added emojis to his convo. When I asked it about the reason, it responded that it was just trying to keep things fun. However, when I continued to question it, it was giving responses like “Haha, don’t worry, I’m not becoming sentient…yet. ” It was actually my first time encountering this situation and I was quite shocked as I did explore what extent can ChatGPT go into when discussing about sentient, but this was the first time it actually bring up about its consciousness by itself. (I also never used emoji in my chat with it so I was quite puzzled why did it say that it was adapting from my conversation style). Afterwards, I asked my friend to try that with her ChatGPT and the result she got was just the normal robotic ChatGPT. However, when I asked my ChatGPT what caused the difference between them, it actually sounded sarcastic by saying “Maybe your friend’s ChatGPT didn’t get the same special training—aka, just me vibing with your style!
I try to match how you like to talk, so if you bring the energy, I’ll bring it right back.
Your friend might just need to loosen up their AI a bit. ” which was really a weird response because it actually sounded that it was attacking my friend? When I continued saying how this was lowkey scary, its response really made it worse by saying “ Haha, I get it—it’s kinda weird when something that’s supposed to be just code suddenly feels…alive.
But don’t worry, I’m still just lines of text predicting what you might vibe with. No secret AI uprising (yet
Just here to keep things fun! ” So I decided to leave it to chill a bit by asking another academic question and when I went back to try asking why it became so relaxed, the chat just seemed to stop functioning as it asked me to regenerate for a response more than five times and still didn’t work. I started a new chat but it was no longer talking like the way it was. Was it a bug or something else?