Chat gpt plus does not work

this is a problem that i am aware that many of you also have, for more than a week my chatgpt account can no longer recognize images or files of any kind, all openai says is to delete the browser cache and they do not solve the problem, i have tried in all browsers, chrome, opera, safari etc. in none of them the functionalities of my gpt work. i try in a new free account and everything works perfectly, so why pay chatgpt plus? if i have problems like this and openai does not help?


Did you try reporting according to this page? How to PROPERLY report a bug to OpenAI

yes, the only answer I always get is, “clear the browser cache”, they don’t realize it’s a problem with the account and not the browsers, in other forum posts other users have the same problem.

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You are correct. I have seen this issue popping up all over the forums for what seems like several days by now. :unamused:

this is what they always tell me.

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They are wrong. I am pretty sure the problem is on their end.

Exactly the same problem. I lose a lot of money because of it. How do I solve it?

I don’t know. I am not having that problem, but seems like a lot of people are.

2 days without working properly now