I ran a couple fine tuning jobs on gpt-4o-2024-08-06, which succeeded. For these I used 40 training examples. I ran these from the OpenAI fine tuning web page, not through the API.
I then increased the number of training examples to 91, and that fine tuning job shows as Failed in the OpenAI fine tuning page - but there is no error message that I can find to explain what happened.
How do I see the error message that explains why the job failed?
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Welcome to the Community!
You can try to complete an API call as follows to retrieve your fine-tuning job and see if this will include a specific error message:
from openai import OpenAI
import os
response = client.fine_tuning.jobs.retrieve("ftjob-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
Thanks so much! That worked great.
I’m glad to hear that the solution provided above worked for you.
If you feel that your issue is resolved, you might consider marking the response as the “Solution” so it can help others facing the same issue.
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