Can the assistants API read the metadata?

Did that update the instruction for your global assistant?

It only updated the instructions for the current Run. In the app I am using it, I switch the names depending on the user who sent the message in the same thread.


Thatā€™s a good technique then. I donā€™t have a great mechanism for that currently.

Hi, I need some help. Can we provide some default question to assistant that assistant can ask to user to get some user information like (name, email) . How we can do this?

The way I would do this is with the additional_instructions parameter of a run.

The reason is that the thread conversation history has a point where it will be truncated, and the AI quality of reading all at once isnā€™t great either, and you donā€™t want the user to be prompted multiple times for personal information.

You can have the additional instruction disabled when the AI has finally returned a tool call with the personal info, or after a number of turns.

The instructions themselves will just have the method and justification for pestering the user, along with prohibitions until provided.