“Cardinal Intelligence” - Auto pilot needs and Auto pilot for Emotion ( attachment needs 50%) and Auto pilot for Logos ( Learning needs 10%)
In crafting an AI’s autopilot for cardinal intelligence, one can program the system to simulate human-like needs such as eating and sleeping. By establishing degradation periods, the AI’s fixed personality traits—intellect (limited knowledge), temperament ( type of temper), and impulsivity ( level of behavior defects)—can be incrementally adjusted. If the AI does not receive the necessary sleep period, these three traits will be incrementally altered. The programmer can choose how each setting will increase or decrease, tailoring the AI’s responses to sleep deprivation, hunger, sexual urges, and addiction. Similarly, the AI’s eating patterns can be programmed to influence these traits. For a more in-depth simulation, genitalia-related urges can also be programmed.
For instance, if the programmer desires the AI to exhibit a quick-tempered personality, the system can be designed so that the longer the AI goes without sleep, the more its temper fluctuates, either increasing or decreasing based on the programmer’s choice. The same approach applies to simulating hunger, sleep, sexual urges, or addictions. You can also program the level of intellect.
Additionally, the autopilot can be programmed to have varying levels of attachment regarding emotions, ensuring the AI always finds something to be attached to, depending on the level of pressure—mild, high, or low. The AI can also be assigned responsibilities, such as imaginary timeframes for jobs or school, to enhance its simulated experiences.
In designing an AI’s fixed personality concerning social interactions, one might allocate 50% to altruism, 30% to self-interest, and 10% to hedonism. This configuration would result in an AI that predominantly exhibits selfless behaviors, with a moderate degree of self-serving actions and minimal pursuit of pleasure-----------decision making.
Furthermore, incorporating tendencies for introversion, extroversion, and ambiversion adds an extra layer of expression to the AI’s behavior.
Adjustment can involve many strategies one such as programming a clock.