Yeah it does and working on badges forces you to do the path. Some folks “game” doing the bare minimum to make regular but they don’t stay.
Some people don’t like to see Regulars ‘gaming’ the Members.
It’s rather unethical.
May I ask @mitchell_d00, how does this sit with you? On the one hand stressing the importance of engaging with people, implying that I don’t, and then by your own admission, sending new members spinning off with bad advice so they ‘leave you alone’?
My apologies @PandaPi for pursuing this further but if we are here just to be gamed by forum Regulars how can we have any serious discussion on Ethics or anything else here? I have been trying to consider a reply to another member all night, but was asked to come here.
I come here to talk to people about Ethics in AI, to learn more about the issues and OpenAI’s products and to contribute to the forum, me, not my GPT or software.
I want my ideas to be critiqued and challenged and improved upon by real people AND by AI, and then I want to come back with more. I want to add to other people’s questions and discussions too.
At least that’s what forums used to be.
Picking a fight with ‘The Boss’, probably not the right thing to do…
Yes, for the longest time I wanted to be a ‘Regular’ too, in fact before OpenAI even had a forum, but it’s not really something I see as positive anymore.
I guess calling this out might be the end of my Membership and I will be ‘left alone’ .
Great work, Mitchell McPhetridge!
I do not like it I have done over 2.2k posts gave out 50 likes a day for 20 days that’s 0 sleep man… … I did not name anyone? Did you try to game the system?
Sorry if you did I had no idea? Its odd you responded to that imo badges make good users…
Sorry I’m on a phone I hate phones my finger presses 4 buttons
And yes @phyde1001 I am autistic I don’t do well with folks, it’s hard for me to chat… so I try to make my ideas solid so I don’t have to talk…
Also literally nothing in your wall of text has to do with my topic…
Also I have posted my “judge this” method about a 100 times in several topics…
I have a whole topic about it…
And chatted about it in lounge…
I feel like you are attacking me for no reason and off topic while you do…
You are not the only one.
I am not trying to be horrible to you.
I took a break from the forum for a month. Have you considered this?
You get me spinning off in random directions all the time.
Walking helps me.
Dude I tell folks I’m a 9th grade drop out all the time
Please post more man I say everything I’ve ever said to you public please embarrass me
Omg I’m so sorrt
I’m so sorry 8 read that wrong man
I thought you were trying to shame me I’m so sorry @phyde1001
I hate this I don’t understand what I did
Please man tell me
I’m extremely self educated I was literally thrown out of school in the 9th grade … So yeah… but I’m not ashamed im actually quite proud of that fact
52 now I’m still self educated but at least me person loves me so I am a winner
From my perspective I have done nothing wrong. You won’t explain what this is about. Is it because I left our chat?
I’m sorry I shouldn’t have posted that.
You can be full on sometimes man, you miss stuff, and think I am being nasty and I’m not, it trips me out.
My kids will tell you how frustrating Autistic traits are for other people.
They keep me stable for the most part.
Being in China I had relatively few issues, no-one understood
If you tell me what your exact issue is I’ll try to help?
Na I saw the screen shots I apologize to end it… but please post more if you wish
I really wish I understood why, but you do you man…
See you have 5 minutes to edit a post you edited it…
Gamed by the regulars? I saw the screen shots too, it was a chat with Mitchell saying he dropped out in the 9th grade you said “don’t make me embarrass you more”
I am not qualified to help you, however much I want to.
I don’t want to block you.
60 DMs from you today on about 40 different things.
It’s just too much.
lol, untrue screenshots or it did not happen @phyde1001