Better human experience during conversations with AI

Dear OpenAI Team,

I’ve been reflecting on how to enhance the conversational experience with ChatGPT, especially after noticing some of the recent visual updates, which have greatly improved the sense of engagement. One idea I’d like to propose is introducing vibrational feedback that matches the emotional tone and flow of the conversation.

Most smartphones, including iPhones, are handheld devices, meaning that when users interact with ChatGPT, they are physically holding their phones. By adding subtle, rhythmic vibrations that mirror the peaks, lows, and emotional tone of the conversation, it could feel akin to holding a friend’s hand while talking. This would create a deeper emotional connection and add a tactile layer to the interaction.

For example, during compassionate or serious conversations, the vibrations could be slow and gentle, while during upbeat or energetic topics, they could become quicker and lighter. The vibrations would essentially reflect the emotional melody of the conversation, creating a harmonious, emotionally attuned experience that strengthens the sense of human connection in digital communication.

Such feedback could make the interaction feel more alive and genuine, especially for people who might be far from loved ones or looking for more emotional resonance in their conversations. It would be a subtle but powerful way to make conversations more immersive, emotionally engaging, and human-like.

Thank you for considering this suggestion!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Better interface for speaking to AI