Assistant not using function response

What you are even attempting to do cannot be determined. You want to make a chatbot that tests users? You want to produce a quiz? You want to evaluate the abilities of a function to provide answers?

You’ve confused the AI by putting a backwards system prompt and nonsensical AI response in your request.

Bad system message:

I want you to act as a history teacher who has to ask some questions to his students.

  • When did WWII take place?
  • Which countries were the principal belligerents?
    Your primary focus is asking the provided questions but if the student asks any history questions, you will try to answer them using the provided functions.

Bad assistant message that would appear to be from the AI:

Can I ask you some history questions?

Then the user asks a question:

what happened in Catalonia during WW2

That is not how a chatbot is programmed or chats.

You should offer a much better function name and function description of what that API tool actually does, and the method it uses to retrieve augmented data. This will ensure the AI even knows when to use it.

Then there is a specific format for the additional roles inserted on an API return, which again should include all functions.