After submitting query to ChatGPT, can't scroll at all

Yes, it works, but there is an issue with the code. The prompt from ChatGPT moves to the bottom, which means it is not an ideal solution.

the best solution is this code, add it as javascript bookmark :

function removeTabindex() {
    const div = document.querySelector('div.composer-parent[role="presentation"]');
    if (div && div.getAttribute('tabindex') === '0') {

const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {

observer.observe(document.body, {
    childList: true,  
    subtree: true    


THIS DOESNT WORK - unless im pasting the script in the wrong place. Are you just supposed to paste that script at the end of the URL, are you supposed to replace the existing URL with that??? Ive tried both and i cant get it to work and th is just doesnt make sense. Saw some guy try to explain this before and he basically said ā€˜just do itā€™.

Ive got one of my chats on my bookmark bar and its called ChatGPT scroll bug fix, and when i got to edit the bookmark, and got to URL i havbe no idea what to do. If you replace the actual chatgpt bit of it nothing happens obviously, but if you stick it on the end it just says its invalid. Are you supposed to get rid of the ā€˜Javascript:ā€™ word at the start of the code? AM I MISSING SOMETHING.

Also why is this such a persistent issue how can it be that hard for a business like open AI to fix this shit

I can scroll on my DuckDuckGo on my iPhone but no where else. I donā€™t have the app Iā€™m using browser