Access to Custom GPT by Invitation: Restricting Usage to a Whitelisted Group

I need only users on a whitelist to have access to the shared link of my custom GPT.

How do I get the options for this link:

I have a GPT Plus subscription. Do I need to purchase GPT Enterprise, is that it?

Thank you very much.

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I believe I have the same problem. I need only users on a whitelist to have access to the shared link of my custom GPT. Is this possible? Have you found a solution?
Sincere thanks

I need only users on a whitelist to have access to the shared link of my custom GPT.

How do I get the options for this link:

Moved this to a new thread for you as the other was a bit old and had a “solution” already. A new thread should help you get more eyes on your problem.

Are you not seeing the “Share” button?

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Yes, I see the share option, but there is no Access, Invite Only option.
Captura de tela 2024-10-09 144441

There is no “Invite only” option. This phrase pops up after create a GPT as “Only Me”, then click on the Update and you can see “Invite-Only” Phrase.


  • Only Me
  • Anyone with the link
  • GPT Store

You may visit also here:

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Sorry to bother you.

I followed your instructions and the post you mentioned carefully, but my options are still these, see:


The option shown in your image does not appear: “Invite-only” in the “Access” section.

My subscription is GPT Plus. Do you think this could be it? What is yours? GPT Team?

Mine is Plus.

It looks you did not select “Only Me”
but you selected “Anyone with the link”

But sometimes although you select “Only me” but it does not effects if you go back to page.

Try this:

Select Share
Select “Only Me”
Select “Save”

and close your browser
Launch again your browser
Open your GPT to edit and check if it is “Only Me”.


Sometimes, if you have multiple opened tab, although you save “Only Me”, on another page, there is a still an active edit page and it saves it as old version using current option.

Also if you opened it on another device it continues to update current option.

Just save as “Only Me”, then close all tabs and browser. Then start again.


With your patience and help I managed to do it.

But how do I invite people to use my Custom GPT?

Do I need another plan? Can you tell me which one and if there is a limit to the number of people I can invite?

Thank you very much



Access restrictions are available exclusively to members of Teams and Enterprise plans limited to users within that org subscription.


In this case, it won’t work for me, because my intention was to make GPT available to a specific audience rather than to everyone.

Anyway, I really appreciate all the help, my friend.


You can try to build auth with actions though.

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I couldn’t. I opened a new topic. If you could help me…

I need to restrict my Custom GPT to specific users from a whitelist.

I’ve seen that it’s not possible to do this through the “Invite-only” option in the “Access” section, because these guests will need to be on my subscription plan.

I just don’t want to make the link available for everyone to access, but only specific people, so the option to share it with everyone doesn’t work for me.


I’ve tried to do something in the “Actions” section, but I wasn’t successful because I couldn’t restrict the GPT chat to only respond after some function was verified in the endpoint. I couldn’t send the user’s parameter (email) and I had other difficulties as well.

Could someone direct me to a good path and material so I can try to solve this issue?

It’s very important to use the GPT Chat platform itself and not other interconnected structures, such as Microsoft Bot Framework, etc.

Thank you very much!

Correct. As @sps suggested, you can try to build out an “auth” system using actions in the Custom GPT. We can’t provide full code for you to do so, though.



Let’s please try to keep this to a single thread while we help you.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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I’ll try to do some tests with OAuth

From what I understand, OAuth will work to execute a specific action. Only authenticated users will be able to execute the action. This authentication method will not work for any prompt. Is that correct?

Is there a way to get around this?

What I need is to release GPT for a white list of emails. That’s all.

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Yeah, I don’t think it’s possible at this time. I get what you’re saying, I think, and it would be nice/nifty, but alas…

The other route would be to try to replicate the Custom GPT with Assistants API or your own custom wrapper. That gives you a lot more control, but it’s usually not 100% like a Custom GPT.

Please let us know how your tests go. If you search the forums, I believe there’s been conversations in the past about just this topic.


Kind of on topic… slightly off…

do those that make the access list, need to be
an openai (plus) paying sub. as well… ??