A better API playground look for coders - via Tampermonkey script CSS

For most us who don’t use TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey, you can create a Bookmarklet that adds the excellent styleSheet listed above.
( See this Gist for an example usage: OpenAIPlaygroundShowPresets.js -- Bookmarklet to fix March 2024 CSS regressive bug (~"GM_addStyle" but without TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey) · GitHub )

globalThis.GM_addStyle = globalThis.GM_addStyle || ( function(innerText) {
  let doc = document;
  let head = doc.head || doc.body;
  let style=doc.createElement("style");
  if(head) head.appendChild(style);

} );

GM_addStyle(`--the CSS
will go here--`);

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