Procedural Problem Solving UI/UX

Lately while I’ve been using ChatGPT to solve a multi-faceted problem that involves going down multiple rabbit holes, I’ve found it difficult, time consuming, and resource-intensive to scroll all the way up after asking ChatGPT for further clarification in the same chat instance. And when I try using individual new chats to answer shorter questions that I might have, I find it incredibly taxing to keep up with the dozens of side conversations that relate to one primary problem I’m trying to solve.

And today, I got to thinking of what a future where those problems don’t exist would look like. And that’s when I came up with this idea:

When I start a new chat with ChatGPT & it provides a multi-step solution, more often than not those steps don’t include all 100% of the information I might need to solve the problem based on the single response provided. But what if you could “dig in” to a step that you might need more help with? What I mean by that is: Let’s say I ask ChatGPT how to create a Discord Bot from scratch. Odds are, you will have questions about how to do some of the things ChatGPT mentions in its response, so instead of asking it more questions in the vertical chat window (and stacking up the text on the page until it becomes a mountain), what if there were a way to highlight/select a step (or portion of a step) & “dig in”, opening a new window to the right of the original chat window where you can ask for clarification.

Similar to a file directory, you can continue “digging in” further if you have additional questions about the steps ChatGPT provided in the new window, allowing you to “dig in” as many times as you need to before completing all necessary steps to a particular step before returning to the original question.

These responses should be able to branch out from the original question & allow users to virtually “dig in” as many times as they may need to solve any problem they may have step-by-step, 1 step at a time. This approach would also help significantly with keeping yourself on-track & not forgetting where you are in a project after asking multiple new questions rooted in the original (main) question.

I really hope I was able to explain this in a way that makes sense, and if you had any trouble seeing the vision I attempted to share here, please reach out! I just know that the value of this feature would provide unimaginable value to millions of creators & problem solvers around the world who have struggled to put up with the limitations of the current UI/UX in these complex scenarios.